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Graphene oxide nanoparticles in bulk water | Molecular dynamics
Graphene oxide nanoparticle in interaction with water (molecular dynamics simulation with script)
Free energy profile for a Graphene Oxide nanoparticle at the water-vapour interface | MD script
Clustering of graphene nanoparticles in water
Bank of Graphene Oxide nanoparticles for molecular dynamics simulations
Lipase (TLL) activation via the adsorption on the graphene oxide.
Steered Molecular Dynamics Simulation of PFAS and Graphene Oxide **Details in Description**
Plug like motion of water in between two graphene walls | LAMMPS with script
Water molecules in a large carbon nanotube | Molecular simulation with script
LAMMPS tutorial n°5: molecular dynamics simulation of a graphene sheet using VMD and topotool
Simulation of ion transport through graphene nanopore
MD simulation - Water on Graphene-coated Copper